Wall as blackboard – an experimental space for spontaneous art through collaborative work. it has become a ritual that at every house party, guests (especially the kids) and I will sketch and doodle on our blackboard wall. Sometimes, its a coherent piece, sometimes its overlaid sketching over another. The result is always surprising and mesmerizing.


A bulletin of quotations and quotes. These are phrases that have caught my eyes/ears in my readings and daily observation of the world around me. In accumulating them, perhaps a certain unconscious philosophy is discerned and that they become aggregates to a whole.


Notes toward a thesis. The fascination is not so much the protagonist but the writing career of Kenneth Frampton, its origin and evolution. Central to my inquiry is the seminal text on Critical Regionalism circa 1980-1985. But much more, it is to situate it in time and space, the motivation for such an idea, its personal historical development that brought its inception, its reaction from its reception.